[nycphp-talk] table image display

selyah selyah1 at
Tue Aug 21 00:40:38 EDT 2007

        Php Version: 4.3.10 
 mysql version: 4.19 
 I need assistance in displaying images from a database into a table. 
 The script is successfully getting the image from the database in placing them int he table that i created. The problem is, each row is repeating the same image, ie, item one is shown in column 1, column 2, column3 , and column 4 in row 1. The item 2 is shown in column 1, column 2, column3 , and column 4 in row 2, and so on. I am at a lost on how to display the images so that each item is displayed in consectively rows and columns as needed without repeating themselves. I will copy the script below. 
 If any one can see my error, i would appriciate the input.  Thanks: 
 <?php #catalog.php - display all catalog items 
 $query="SELECT item_id, modelnum, name, upload, size, description, price, gender FROM clothing ORDER BY item_id ASC"; 
 if($num>0) { 
    echo ' 
      <table border="0" width="90%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" align="center"> 
      <td align="center" width="20%"><font color="teal">cAclOm'.$row['modelnum'].'</font> 
       <span style="padding-left:5%">'.$row['name'].'</span><br /><br /> 
       <img src="/coles/admin/new_images/'.$row['upload'].'" width="120" height="140" /><br /> 
       '.$row['description'].'<span style="padding-left:5%">'.$row['price'].'</span> 
       <td align="center" width="20%"><font color="teal">cAclOm'.$row['modelnum'].'</font> 
       <span style="padding-left:5%">'.$row['name'].'</span><br /><br /> 
       <img src="/coles/admin/new_images/'.$row['upload'].'" width="120" height="140" /><br /> 
       '.$row['description'].'<span style="padding-left:5%">'.$row['price'].'</span> 
       <td align="center" width="20%"><font color="teal">cAclOm'.$row['modelnum'].'</font> 
       <span style="padding-left:5%">'.$row['name'].'</span><br /><br /> 
       <img src="/coles/admin/new_images/'.$row['upload'].'" width="120" height="140" /><br /> 
       '.$row['description'].'<span style="padding-left:5%">'.$row['price'].'</span> 
       <td align="center" width="20%"><font color="teal">cAclOm'.$row['modelnum'].'</font> 
       <span style="padding-left:5%">'.$row['name'].'</span><br /><br /> 
       <img src="/coles/admin/new_images/'.$row['upload'].'" width="120" height="140" /><br /> 
       '.$row['description'].'<span style="padding-left:5%">'.$row['price'].'</span> 
       echo '</table>';

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