[nycphp-talk] phpGACL access control

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Aug 24 18:10:50 EDT 2007

On 8/24/07, Mark Withington <mwithington at> wrote:
> It's used in Joomla! 1.x although I think this was something that was to be
> replaced in 1.5?  Perhaps Mitch can chime in here.

It was intended for 1.0, then got pushed to 1.1 which became 1.5, and
now is sitting in 1.6 waiting for the chance to be released to the
world ;-)

phpGACL was what was originally intended to be implemented, however
there were some challenges behind making that possible. Andrew Eddie
is behind the current ACL work, so he's most definitely the best
resource to ask that question to.

I know the base tables were there even in the Mambo days, but we never
implemented the logic to support it as it broke backwards

Ditto for the next implementation, methinks.

As for phpGACL, the feedback I got was that most ACLs out there are
good at answering one question, from the following list:

1) "Can I access this object?"
2) "Who can access this object?"

The trouble is finding an ACL that is equally adept at doing both.

-- Mitch

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