[nycphp-talk] phpGACL access control

csnyder chsnyder at
Sat Aug 25 23:52:39 EDT 2007

On 8/24/07, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
> > As for phpGACL, the feedback I got was that most ACLs out there are
> > good at answering one question, from the following list:
> >
> > 1) "Can I access this object?"
> > 2) "Who can access this object?"
> >
> > The trouble is finding an ACL that is equally adept at doing both.
> I understand #1. That's the main point -- access control. But why do I need
> #2? To see if I need to bar the door for someone as the # of rules, groups,
> users grows increasingly complex?

I think number 2 translates to things like "Who else can read posts to
this forum?" or "What developers have commit access" or even reports
like "List all editors by site".

Chris Snyder

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