[nycphp-talk] Accessing First Element of Array

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sun Aug 26 21:52:50 EDT 2007

Hmmm I dunno, if that was more towards "what was the way to access  
the first element of a hash?" I would say ok, but Im still convinced  
most would see an "array" as an object numerically indexed.

But current() it is :-)  Time to rewrite all those PHP books ...

On a side note to why the example does not work as expected - (I  
think it came up on the list way back):

The docs do not specify this, but adding to the array using the  
brackets syntax:
      $my_array[] = $new_value;
will not advance the internal pointer of the array. therefore, you  
cannot use current() to get the last value added or key() to get the  
key of the most recently added element.

- Jon

On Aug 26, 2007, at 9:08 PM, Michael B Allen wrote:

> On 8/26/07, Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
>> Is it anything that $array[0] would not be able to get access to?
> Hi Jon,
> Nope. The 0 element is not necessarily first. Consider the  
> following example:
> $array = array();
> $array['first'] = 'foo';
> $array[] = 'bar';
> $ ./t.php
> Array
> (
>     [first] => foo
>     [0] => bar
> )
> In this case the element 'foo' is first.
> Mike
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