[nycphp-talk] how did you learn php?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Aug 27 16:30:18 EDT 2007

On 8/27/07, PaulCheung <paulcheung at> wrote:
> There is a book called "PHP and MySQL Web Development", which contains a
> DVD, It is good in so much as it teaches using a specific project devised by
> the authors.

You're absolutely right. Holy moly, there's books - books and books
and books, so many good ones that there are probably too many to read.

Here's a trick that I learned early on. Go into a bookstore, and check
out the existing PHP books that they have. Look at the reading style,
read a couple pages from each, just to see if one writing style is
easier for you to understand and so on. Then compare whether the books
you like more happen to come from a common publisher. There's a chance
that they do.

For example, I know people that love O'Reilly books, others that love
WROX, and I personally enjoy the Apress books. You might find a
particular publisher, author or writing style that you prefer as well.

Books are good :-)

-- Mitch

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