[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) ben at
Mon Aug 27 21:46:41 EDT 2007

Hello All, 

So, I've been asked by a client to implement a shopping cart into a php/mysql site that we built.
They want to start with about 12 items and have the shop interface w/miva, cart32 or shopsite.

I know nothing about those merchant accounts, if that's even what they are. Any insight
on those would be great.

Now, I LOVE reinventing the wheel on the first go, to better understand stuff. It also
enables me to build up my code library. And as far as time frame and budget, I 
could build a cart from scratch. 

I have the Apress book  "PHP5 & E-commerce", plus all the obvious online resources.

Is it a wise idea to build the cart from scratch? If so, what are some obvious pitfalls I should
be aware of? I'm not even 100% sure what parties are involved in an ecommerce transaction.

I will also need to construct some sort of admin side of this application to manage inventory, etc.

If I don't build the cart from scratch, what are some alternatives? I need it to be totaly skinable
if its a 3rd party solution. I'm sure joomla or drupal have ecommerce modules.

Let me hear from success stories!


- Ben

Ben Sgro, Chief Engineer
ProjectSkyLine - Defining New Horizons
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