[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Mon Aug 27 22:25:53 EDT 2007

> So, I've been asked by a client to implement a shopping cart into a
> php/mysql site that we built.
> They want to start with about 12 items and have the shop interface w/miva,
> cart32 or shopsite.


> Now, I LOVE reinventing the wheel on the first go, to better understand
> stuff. It also
> enables me to build up my code library. And as far as time frame and budget,
> I
> could build a cart from scratch.

Now I am confused... Do you want to write your own, or do you want to
use cart32/shopsite?

Please provide an example site with a cart system you like, and I can
tell you what needs to be done.  Right now it appears you are really
confused about the process.

Please DO NOT write your own.

Below is one example of how complicated things get:
Cart has two items.  One is available for shipment today, one is
backordered.  What credit card transactions are you supposed to
process and when?  If you don't know the answer to that, you have no
business rolling you own.

-John Campbell

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