[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Tue Aug 28 10:47:16 EDT 2007

On Tue, 28 Aug 2007, Gary Mort wrote:

> Joomla has Virtuemart which works well if you have a content heavy site 
> where you want to do a few sales.

Ive built about 5 sites with Joomla + Virtuemart, its a nice solution if 
you're willing to learn Joomla.

> OSCommerce works well for a heavy 
> sales site with low content.

Hated it... 

> I recall correctly, Amazon let's you sell products through them, so you 
> can build your cart and everything on your site, but send the cart for 
> checkout  to Amazon and let them deal with payment gateways and 
> chargebacks and such.

Or even Google Checkout.


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