[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Aug 28 11:15:06 EDT 2007

Or why even reinvent the wheel altogether ...

Worth a look I think ...

- Jon

On Aug 28, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Gary Mort wrote:

> Ajai Khattri wrote:
>> Or even Google Checkout.
> I'm not thrilled with Google checkout since it requires you to have  
> your customer setup a Google account(I think Amazon requires an  
> amazon account, but the process just appears more streamlined and  
> felt like setting up a shipping/billing subcomponent of the account  
> rather than 2 accounts).
> Ya know, one thing that wasn't mentioned, just what ARE these 10  
> products they plan on selling?
> Let me explain a bit.
> If your selling photo's or photo related items(a poster, postcards,  
> etc) - a saner solution could be to use Menalto Gallery and use  
> their built in hooks to the various photo printing services.  You  
> define your products, the markups, etc in the printer service, and  
> than just setup the online digital photos.  You can even have 2  
> versions of the file on your site, one that is publicly viewable  
> and one high quality one the photo service will use.
> If your selling stuff with emblazoned logo's, tote bags and junk, a  
> lot of people use CafePress for that, and you can build your own  
> interface into it to the degree you need it(from redirecting to a  
> skinned cafepress store, to embedding the iutems inside your site  
> but using their checkout, to having your own checkout and than you  
> submit the order to cafepress and have it drop shipped to the  
> customer).
> If your selling digital content, there is a whole slew of issues to  
> think through regarding downloads and such.
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