[nycphp-talk] Framework poll

Hans Zaunere lists at
Tue Aug 28 15:16:25 EDT 2007

Cliff Hirsch wrote on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 8:51 AM:
> Does Nyphp have any polling capability?

Not currently, but it's something we should do.  There's actually some
discussion today on the NYPHP-Org list about the next site.  While
sure, we could throw something up using a framework, we like pain (ie, we
like to develop).  We're going to start up a community based
revision (which is how the current was developed) which is fun for
people to get involved in, etc.  After all, half the fun is getting there,


> It would be interesting to see how many of us are actually using
> Frameworks, and if so, what Frameworks we are using. (Might want to
> throw in JavaScript libraries like jQuery, Prototype, etc too). If we
> can't do a poll, perhaps just a wiki or passing this email around
> with a list of frameworks and initials for each responder.    
> Cliff
> P.S. If Mark Withington is listening, the Bostonphp web site has
> polling capability - perhaps he can set something up for everyone. 

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