[nycphp-talk] distances between two zip codes

Paul Guba paul at
Fri Dec 7 07:16:03 EST 2007

might want to look here. 

On Dec 6, 2007, at 11:57 PM, Rob Marscher wrote:

> On Dec 6, 2007, at 11:13 PM, chad qian wrote:
>> I want to program php to calculate the distance between two zip  
>> codes.I only have zip codes,nothing else.How to do it?I'm  
>> completely lost.
> You need to find out the latitude and longitude of the zip codes.   
> That's the only way.
> You can purchase zipcode databases that will give you the latitude  
> and longitude.  Usually it's something you get a subscription for  
> so you can be updated when zipcodes change.  My company uses this  
> service:
> An alternative to purchasing your own zipcode database, is to use a  
> web service to get the latitude and longitude:
> Rasmus Lerdorf (creator of php) even posted a great article on how  
> to use that web service:
> Once you have the latitude and longitude, you want to search google  
> for "distance latitude longitude php."  The first hit is  
> coincidentally the site that sells the zipcode databases:
> If you go the route of buying a subscription to the zipcode  
> database (probably only if you have too high a level of web traffic  
> to use the Yahoo! ), you should import the CSV file into a mysql  
> database.  Donald J Organ IV just posted a mysql query to this list  
> last week that can find all the zipcodes in a range:
> On Dec 4, 2007, at 1:26 PM, Donald J Organ IV wrote:
>> replace the follwing fields with value:
>> [origin-lat]
>> [origin-long]
>> [dest-lat]
>> [dest-long]
>> [radius]
>> SELECT distinct zipcode,
>> ROUND((ACOS((SIN([origin-lat]/57.2958) * SIN([dest-latitude]/ 
>> 57.2958)) +
>> (COS([origin-lat]/57.2958) * COS([dest-lat]/57.2958) *
>> COS([dest-long]/57.2958 - [origin-long]/57.2958)))) * 3963, 3) AS  
>> distance
>> FROM zipcodes
>> WHERE (latitude >= [origin-lat] - ([radius]/111))
>> AND (latitude <= [origin-lat] + ([radius]/111))
>> AND (longitude >= [origin-long] - ([radius]/111))
>> AND (longitude <= [origin-long] + ([radius]/111))
>> ORDER BY distance
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