[nycphp-talk] MySQL/Flash/Apostrophe issue

Kristina Anderson ka at
Fri Dec 7 13:13:00 EST 2007

Hi Everyone,

This is my first post to the list and I appreciate any feedback, 

I'm debugging a site someone else built in PHP & MySQL and on a few 
places in the site, there are Flash applets (.swf files) that are 
directly pulling strings from the MySQL database.

The previous programmers neglected to properly handle apostrophes and 
there are many text strings displayed in the .swf files, unfortunately 
what exists now is that whenever an apostrophe occurs, it cuts off the 
rest of the string.

One thing that I tried was to go into the MySQL database itself and 
add the escape character before the apostrophes, this resulted in the 
display of the encoded HTML for the apostrophe and not the actual 

Is there any trick with MySQL which I'm not aware of that will enable 
me to fix this without decompiling the .swf file just for this (which 
I really, really do not want to do)?
Kristina D. H. Anderson
Senior Application Developer/Consultant
"Building a Better Tomorrow, One Line of Code at a Time"

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