[nycphp-talk] Tamperproof URLs and PHP slides posted

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Wed Dec 12 10:32:50 EST 2007

Thanks for the presentation.

I have a question that is related, but along different lines.  I have
a flash game that saves high scores to the server and I want to
prevent high scores from being forged.

Initially the scores were send as a simple post request, e.g.
name=john&score=1000.  This is a problem because it is trivial to
forge the request.  So my solution was to create the post request as

name=john&score=1000&checksum= . md5(md5("My secret") . name . score)

on the server side, I can verify the checksum.

This works well enough, but an enterprising hacker can download my swf
file and run `strings game.swf` to extract "My secret", and then they
can forge the request. Is there any cryptography method that
guarantees the request is coming from my code?

John Campbell

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