[nycphp-talk] OOP Books & Resources

Ben Sgro ben at
Thu Dec 13 17:23:28 EST 2007

Hey Michael,

Good points.

As I said before, I like that book I got from work, "The object oriented 
thought process".

I will take a look at the Java book your recommending.

I do like UML though, er, well I at least like the concept of it. I'd 
like to have
the ability to map classes out (but I have to understand them well 
enough) before
I start coding them.


- Ben

Michael B Allen wrote:
> On 12/11/07, Ben Sgro <ben at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> A while back I asked an OOP related question. Brian D suggested:
>> If you're just starting out in the PHP5 OOP world, I highly recommend
>> Zandstra's "PHP 5 Objects, Patterns, and Practice." I promise you it's
>> worth the $20.
>> Which I did and started reading it (twice) and it just assumes too much.
>> I have zero OOP experience (well that's not really true) and need more
>> explanation than that book provides.
> Hi Ben,
> If you just want the basics of how to write programs using OOP
> constructs, you might look at something like the Deitel & Deitel Java
> How to Program book. PHP's OOP is very close to Java's.
> However, more generally, I would de-emphasize the importance of
> "Design Patterns". The whole DP thing is overrated. Unfortunately it's
> pretty common to see people using various patterns without really
> knowing why. Most of the patterns you'll find described in those books
> are only useful in a few advanced high-level scenarios like UI widget
> libraries (e.g. Composite). Or they're so simple you really didn't
> need a book to explain it to you (e.g. Flyweight). It is much more
> common to find that you simply want to use an abstract base class so
> that other parts of your code can overload some methods. That sort of
> basic stuff is covered in an intro book like the Deitel & Deitel one.
> I have recently been modelling my code after Zend Framework. Some of
> the ZF components are a little over-designed but I think the coding
> standards and organization is excellent. Just looking at some good
> examples might be all that you need to get on the right track.
> Mike

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