[nycphp-talk] question:upload picture to the server

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Fri Dec 14 08:57:13 EST 2007

Install Menalto Gallery and upload through one of their many methods.  
When your ready to do your own coding, you have a source on the server, 
working, where you can see how they do uploads.

chad qian wrote:
> I use "godaddy" as web hosting.I access web files through FTP and I 
> access mysql database through phpMyAdmin(through IE).
> Now,I want to upload  pictures to the server side.
> My problem is: how to define the picture path when I do php coding?I 
> access the mysql database through phpMyAdmin(IE).Mysql is not on my 
> local computer.I can't define "c:\...." or "d:\..." as where pictures 
> are saved.I access MySql through phpMyadmin(IE).What's the correct 
> path?I'm completely lost.
> Thanks!
> chad
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