[nycphp-talk] Closing Tags or Not Closing Tags, that is my question...

David Krings ramons at
Tue Dec 18 13:53:37 EST 2007

Gary Mort wrote:
> When your including say...12 different files into a page, sometimes 
> script number 8 needs to send header information.  So the practice is to 
> accumulate all the content information into a variable, and send that at 
> the end of the script.
> This makes it no longer possible to mix HTML and PHP code in a 
> document(ok, it's possible, but outside the scope of this email) as the 
> second you have a raw HTML outside the PHP execution tags, you have lost 
> your chance of sending header data and are into the sending of body data.
> The problem is when at the end of a file you place ?>[space]
> The PHP interpreter sees that there is a charector after the ?> and 
> sends it.  So now content has begun and you can no longer send headers.

Ah! Now I understand and see where the problem is. I am surprised that I 
haven't run into this so far, but maybe I am just lucky or the IDEs I use take 
of this.
Thanks! You should seek a carreer as instructor. :)


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