[nycphp-talk] Andromeda MySQL hackathon

Kenneth Downs ken at
Tue Dec 18 15:18:58 EST 2007

Hi everybody,

The Long Island PHP group is contemplating a hack-a-thon to make 
Andromeda build mySQL databases.  I just brought this up this afternoon, 
so there are no firm plans, but we are talking about at least one long 
Saturday plus maybe Friday evening before and Sunday after. 

The goal is to have Andromeda provide all of its database features to 
MySQL databases.  The plan is to talk it through ahead of time so 
everybody has a pretty good idea of what they'll be coding when they 
arrive.  This is very doable if we have a few people who know MySQL 
pretty well and if we talk it through ahead of time.  Andromeda 
intentionally only uses a very few back-end building blocks, so as to 
make things like this possible.

The bulk of it will probably be very annoying translations.  So for 
instance Postgres requires a certain syntax for IF/THEN in triggers, and 
I have no doubt MySQL will want the commas and semis in different 
places, that kind of stuff.  Same kind of thing for any syntax 
variations in create table commands, create indexes, and so forth.

Remote and on-site participation is welcome.  Food and beverages will be 
provided, and an internet connection and a flat surface for the laptops!

If you are interested, please subscribe to the Andromeda general mailing 
list, as I will be moving the conversation about this over to there next 
week.  That is available on sourceforge:

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software, Inc.
631-689-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527
cell: 631-379-0010

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