[nycphp-talk] OT - Track Santa

David Krings ramons at
Mon Dec 24 10:43:02 EST 2007


In case you don't already know this, NORAD tracks Santa for least 
something useful is done with our tax money.

The story behind this is funny. Some time in the 50's a department store 
started an ad campaign before christmas that allow children to call a number 
and talk to Santa. Unfortunately, the paper misprinted the number and the ad 
showed a secret, unlisted number of the NORAD command center. The officers 
there were quite suprised when out of a sudden the red telephone rang off the 
hook with children at the other end asking to talk to Santa. Since then NORAD 
uses its gear each year to track Santa....and not the moon mistaken it for a 
squad of russian bombers until some low level tech noticed that the distance 
was quite off and was equal to that between earth and moon. It's a nice page 
and kids love it...needs Flash though.

In any case, meery christmas ...or whatever you want to celebrate around this 
time...yea, like festivus, isn't that today?


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