[nycphp-talk] testing a theory

Kenneth Downs ken at
Tue Feb 6 22:06:03 EST 2007

Paul Houle wrote:
> Urb LeJeune wrote:
>> It's called a "here document" structure and can include variables.
>> One note of caution. There can be no spaces at the end of either the
>> first or second "Content" and the last one must begin in column one.
>    That's one reason I don't like here variables.  People mash them up 
> and I have to fix them.
>    When applicable,  I really like
> ?>
> Complicated HTML,  like maybe a <table></table>,  and use something 
> like <? q($var) ?> to
> insert a variable
> <?php

Exactly.  Much easier to deal with something that is almost completely 
HTML, or almost completely PHP.

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