[nycphp-talk] Cannot debug issue with uploading a large file

David Krings ramons at
Thu Feb 8 11:58:03 EST 2007

Randal Rust wrote:
> I have a 10MB file that needs to be uploaded through a form. Seems
> simple enough. Just modify php.ini to allow larger files, or user
> ini_set().
> The problem is that when I select this file and try to upload it,
> nothing get passed in the $_REQUEST array, so I can't figure out what
> is going on here.
> Basically, I have this:
> if(isset($_POST['save'])){
> //process form
> echo 'form is submitted';
> }
> If I select a smaller file, it prints the message. If I select the
> larger one, no luck.
> Any ideas?

Yes, what are the form limits for your web server? I know Apache has a 
setting that limits how much space is reserved for form data coming in 
from a client. I do not know what the default is, but it for sure is 
less than 10 MB. Keep in mind that that setting is for all form data, 
nut just a file.



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