[nycphp-talk] capricious submission of forms

David Krings ramons at
Sun Feb 11 11:59:01 EST 2007

michael wrote:

> It is not bad to lookup the domain and see if there is an MX record.
> That can catch some obvious noodling.  Collecting email bounces and
> scripting unsubscribe should be a no-brainer.. and part of a complete
> app. 

Good idea, but I recommend putting in some threshold. It happens that a 
legitimate mail server is bouncing messages for some reasons that are 
out of the powers of the subscriber. I do not know if there is a 
reliable entry in bounced messages, such as "mailbox full" or stuff like 
that. That would allow a more qualified handling.
I'd go with sth like bounces for a span of more than three days. Any 
mail server admin won't take that long to get the mail server going 
again and any other bounce reason not removed after three days (e.g. 
mailbox full) shows that the subscriber is a moron and doesn't deserve 
to be on the list.


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