[nycphp-talk] capricious submission of forms

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Tue Feb 13 12:22:39 EST 2007

Tedd Sperling wrote:
> I dislike CAPTCHA's as well, but am trying to come up with some
> alternate solutions, such as:
> Granted, they are not prefect -- but they do offer more
> accessibility. The audio solution is currently being evaluated
> by a vision impaired group and I'm waiting approval. If I receive
> approval, then I plan to make the code available for free from my
> site.
> I am interested in your opinion.

I like your solution, primarily because you're trying to be accessible,
but I'm not sure how someone who needs to use the audio CAPTCHA can find
it. Can you explain what a screen reader would do with this?

<h2>Please click the accessibility icon.</h2>
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="movie"
data="access.swf" style="width: 30px; height: 30px;">
<param name="movie" value="access.swf">

I'm no accessibility expert, but it is a topic that I'm very interested
in. In fact, maybe someone could give a talk on accessibility?


Chris Shiflett

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