[nycphp-talk] capricious submission of forms

tedd tedd at
Wed Feb 14 12:55:09 EST 2007

At 12:22 PM -0500 2/13/07, Chris Shiflett wrote:
>Tedd Sperling wrote:
>>  I dislike CAPTCHA's as well, but am trying to come up with some
>>  alternate solutions, such as:
>>  Granted, they are not prefect -- but they do offer more
>>  accessibility. The audio solution is currently being evaluated
>>  by a vision impaired group and I'm waiting approval. If I receive
>>  approval, then I plan to make the code available for free from my
>>  site.
>>  I am interested in your opinion.
>I like your solution, primarily because you're trying to be accessible,
>but I'm not sure how someone who needs to use the audio CAPTCHA can find
>it. Can you explain what a screen reader would do with this?
><h2>Please click the accessibility icon.</h2>
><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="movie"
>data="access.swf" style="width: 30px; height: 30px;">
><param name="movie" value="access.swf">


No, I can't explain what a screen reader would do with it. However, 
if someone could explain to me what a screen-reader/user combination 
expects, then I probably can write the code.

I'm just trying to understand. Sure, I can close my eyes and try it 
(like some of the accessibility movement have told me), but I don't 
have the hardware, software, and training to understand how blind 
users adapt to the net.

It seems that every time I come up with a CAPTCHA that is a bit more 
accessible, I have very vocal members of the accessibility movement 
telling me "Think about it!" without discussing what's wrong. It's as 
if CAPTCHA's are to be shot on site regardless. Maybe if we changed 
the name to something more politically correct... oh, never mind, 
I've gotten into trouble before by thinking that way.

In any event, if someone would take the time to explain what's 
needed, maybe I can help.




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