[nycphp-talk] capricious submission of forms

tedd tedd at
Wed Feb 14 14:29:06 EST 2007

At 2:08 PM -0500 2/14/07, Chris Shiflett wrote:
>Tedd Sperling wrote:
>>  > Can you explain what a screen reader would do with this?
>>  >
>>  > <h2>Please click the accessibility icon.</h2>
>>  > <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="movie"
>>  > data="access.swf" style="width: 30px; height: 30px;">
>>  > <param name="movie" value="access.swf">
>>  > </object>
>>  No, I can't explain what a screen reader would do with it. However,
>>  if someone could explain to me what a screen-reader/user combination
>>  expects, then I probably can write the code.
>Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to be facetious. I'm curious.

Just to be clear, I had to look up "facetious".  :-)

No, I realize that you, like me, are trying to understand what's going on.

>That's why it's not obvious to me how a user knows how to find the
>accessibility icon in your example. That doesn't mean it's necessarily
>broken; I just want to know for my own education.

Same here -- I've asked before, but received no answers.

If I my CAPTCHA reads "Please click the accessibility icon" -- how 
does a blind user find the icon and do it? Is my treatment of this 
too simplistic, wrong, misguided, or what?

I'm looking for some direction here.




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