[nycphp-talk] Apache/PHP on MAC OSX

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Feb 14 22:06:48 EST 2007

But does MAMP support SSL? Not when I tried it. I got Xampp working, although
some extensions appear a bit flakey. But so far, everything works -- SSL,
curl, mhash, mcrypt...GD as soon as I get my fonts worked out...

Has anyone tried Komodo for the MAC?

On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 21:59:45 -0500, Mark Withington wrote
> I agree, MAMP is nice although I did have trouble getting the Zend 
> IDE to work with it.  Could be a problem with Zend on MacOSX - at 
> the time they didn't have the Mac binary (as I recall)
> On 2/14/07, David Merryweather <dlmerryweather at> wrote:
> >
> > I would suggest using MAMP (
> >
> > I'm not impressed with Apple's job on their Apache implementation.
> > MAMP is elegant, efficient and easy to use and implement.
> >
> > The whole thing loads to a folder, start and stop MySQL and Apache
> > with a gui utility and it runs fast.  It also has a lot of the tools
> > like PHPMyAdmin installed and ready to run

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