[nycphp-talk] testing a theory

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sat Feb 17 10:17:31 EST 2007

On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 06:39:47PM -0500, Adrian Noland wrote:
> $content = "this is the start of a bunch of lines";
> $content .= "another line";
> $content .= "yet another";
> echo $content;

If you're just echoing somehting out there is no point in wasting 
resources/time/etc putting it in a variable.

> echo "this is the start of a bunch of lines";
> echo "another line";
> echo "yet another";

Everyone here is ignoring the fact that you can concatenate output:

   echo 'this is the start of a bunch of lines'
        . 'another line'
        . 'yet another';

Or use the here doc mentioned before:

   echo <<<THE_END
this is the start of a bunch of lines
another line
yet another


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