[nycphp-talk] speed problems in OO PHP4

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Wed Feb 21 13:16:13 EST 2007

Ive personally seen the issue a few times w/ the following:

* persistent connections (using pconnect() anywhere?)
* using any bleeding-edge extensions like ImageMagick? - using  
anything w/ PECL?
* apache/php rebuild configuration (some research pointed to apache  
sapi problems, so recompiled + they went away)

- Jon

On Feb 21, 2007, at 12:02 PM, Robyn Overstreet wrote:

> Thanks for the responses ...
> On 2/20/07, Mark Armendariz <enolists at> wrote:
>> How is the script continually processing?  Do you mean that the  
>> page still
>> seems to be loading in a browser or the server processes are still  
>> going?
> It's the first thing. The page loads but the browser appears to still
> be loading -- the progress bar is active -- though it does eventually
> stop.

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