[nycphp-talk] Dual session operation question

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Feb 21 15:43:01 EST 2007

I think I know the answer to this, unfortunately, but I¹ll throw it out to
the group.

Is there any way to work with two session IDs and session handlers in one

My main site uses one session ID and the standard session functions. My
commercial shopping cart uses a different session id and a custom mysql
session handler. To carry login state between the two modules, I need access
to both sessions. Or I need to merge the two session mechanisms into one.
Neither approach sounds very enticing.

My previous developer used curl to perform a login ³loopback² to the
shopping cart. Seems wasteful to me. Plus this assumes each script uses
identical encryption schemes. His solution was to disable password

Any thoughts?

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