[nycphp-talk] Re: talk Digest, Vol 4, Issue 51

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Mon Feb 26 10:30:14 EST 2007

>> Thanks for the posting. Does this only apply to the /etc/php.ini?  
>> What about if you copy the /etc/php.ini file locally and edit it,  
>> like users do on web hosting services where they aren't root so  
>> they can't restart Apache?

If users on shared hosting services have access to some type of  
personal php.ini, then php isn't being loaded into apache as a module  
but is instead being run as a cgi via suPHP or something similar.

I see in your original post:
> PHP 4.3.9 (cgi)

Do you have more info on how apache is serving php pages?  Maybe  
search your httpd.conf file (and any included files) for php...

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