[nycphp-talk] Hi

Anirudh Zala arzala at
Thu Jan 4 23:12:44 EST 2007

On Friday 05 January 2007 02:49, Nazmul Hassan wrote:
> Hello, well, im new here.
> Well, I just wanted to know a little more about NYPHP i guess. im only 14;
> just a question, how old are you?
> I do know PHP tho, and i have coded stuff in the past, one project i worked
> on the vacation
> its very amature, but yeh.

Hi Nazmul

Welcome to NYPHP group. Hope you will enjoy being member of this group. I am 
27 years old. Perhaps you are the youngest member of this group :)

Anirudh Zala
(Building standards)

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