[nycphp-talk] File Names and Paths Script

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Tue Jan 16 16:14:32 EST 2007

Thanks Jon... Jeff Knight suggested the same package.  This project 
doesn't allow pear.  So, I made Jeff write the scripts.  I will release 
the code on CXD's website sometime in the future.


Jon Baer wrote:
> There is a cool package I used once before in Pear called File_Find 
> which has a mapper for this ... it may work for your needs ...
> - Jon
> On Jan 16, 2007, at 1:56 PM, Hans C. Kaspersetz wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a handy script that will recurse over a directory 
>> structure and will grab all the filenames and the paths and store 
>> them in a MySQL table?  Preferably creating two or more columns in 
>> the db?  I need to sort through a 150K or so files.  The directory 
>> structure can be 10 or more directories deep.  File names and 
>> directory names can have spaces and all sorts of wierd characters 
>> like '^'
>> Hans K

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