[nycphp-talk] more on shopping carts...

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Jan 18 00:57:57 EST 2007

I am involved in two conversations about a shopping solution, and it is 
interesting to check existing sites that have good-loking solutions in 
place and see them fail. I mean, if it fails when I pull it up impromptu 
during a discussion when someone has noted it as a 
famous/popular/well-done site, what does that say?

*type* Exception report
description* _The server encountered an internal error () that prevented 
it from fulfilling this request._
*exception*Cannot get instance of the basket Nested Exception: Could not 
activate; failed to restore state; CausedByException is:
(No such file or directory)

*note* _The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the 
Apache Tomcat/5.5.9 logs._

I'm not pitching the client but I will  be working with the team that builds the store (whomever gets the contract). I am wondering, what's the operating basis for you development guys? Do clients know when carts fail? Is it left up to them to watch for server errors and follow-up with the developers under warranty or maintenance? 

I tried a few "live" and 2 of 4 broke, one other showed obvious usability problems. I was surprised.... not sur eif that is a reasonable response these days...

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