[nycphp-talk] Followup: Going weekly rate for phpdeveloper/coder in NYC these days?

Sean Pangia spangia at
Thu Jan 18 12:37:18 EST 2007

the math i was advised to use to calculate the additional cost above 
salary of a fulltime employee is 20%-25% of the employee's annual 
salary. it seems to make sense that the cost is variable, for the most 


Peter Sawczynec wrote:

> It thought I saw once that corp. cost of full boat benefits package per
> employee (insurance, vacation, sick days, holidays, education, 
> matching contributions, long-term retirement/health)(bonus?!) was more
> like $27K per annum.
> Warmest regards, 
> Peter Sawczynec 
> Technology Dir.
> Web related services 
> 646.316.3678 
> ps at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of tedd
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:03 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Followup: Going weekly rate for
> phpdeveloper/coder in NYC these days?
> At 11:44 AM -0500 1/18/07, Chris Shiflett wrote:
>>Edward Potter wrote:
>>> Ok, just to keep everyone up to date, based on interviews to date,
>>> the going rate for a 6 month contract with someone with a solid
>>> php/developer background/graduate degree in IT right now seems to
>>> top out out $60/hr based on a 6 month contract.
>>Doing some math in reverse:
>>$60 / 2.4 = $25
>>$25/hour = $50,000/year
>>Therefore, $60/hour as a consultant is approximately equivalent to
>>$50,000/year as a full-time employee with benefits, and that's assuming
>>about 40 billable hours a week.
> I don't follow you here. A $60 per hour  translates to around $125k 
> per year. Now, subtract the benefits (health insurance $12k, 
> retirement, etc) and you'll be around $90k - $100k.
> tedd


   Sean Pangia

   Red Cent
   54 West 21st Street, #607
   NYC 10010

   212.255.3800 ext. 201

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