[nycphp-talk] Slides from Tuesday's meeting are now online

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at
Thu Jan 25 23:01:28 EST 2007

Hi folks-

I've finally gotten a chance to put the slides from Tuesday's talk  
online (after making some changes to avoid assuming demos on  
localhost). They are located here:

( is the general Horde presentations list)

If NYPHP wants to have a copy instead of just a link, feel free to  
grab them from or

ALSO: I talked to a few people about the Property Tracker code (the  
real estate/houses demo). It currently needs a few tweaks because of  
changes to the RDO helpers that it was built on. I'll clean those up  
sometime soon and post a new version; I don't want to spam the list  
with that, but if you are interested in the updated code, please send  
me a private reply and I will make sure to send you an email when the  
fixed code is online.

Thanks for having me down from Boston,

"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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