[nycphp-talk] GD and image resizing

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Wed Jan 31 10:31:47 EST 2007

I think the stress of my scary supervisor is clouding my thinking.   
=)  Thanks Dan.


On Jan 31, 2007, at 10:28 AM, Dan Cech wrote:

> Aaron Fischer wrote:
>> What I meant to say is that I've been searching the archives but  
>> haven't
>> had success in finding the scripts that were posted a while ago.
> Guess you didn't try that hard ;)
> Try this to get you started:
> Dan
>> On Jan 31, 2007, at 9:37 AM, Aaron Fischer wrote:
>>> I'm working with GD for the first time and need to receive uploaded
>>> images (that part is done), determine if they are vertical or
>>> horizontal orientation and then resize them appropriately given a  
>>> max
>>> length or width.
>>> I'm listening to Jeff's GD presentation now and searching the
>>> archives.   I remember one or two scripts that were posted a while
>>> back that do roughly what I am describing.
>>> I'm under severe time constraints to have a project completed so if
>>> someone has some GD resize stuff to help me get going I would be  
>>> most
>>> appreciative.  Tips/pointers are also helpful.
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