[nycphp-talk] When to close a mysql connection

David Krings ramons at
Mon Jul 2 08:43:12 EDT 2007

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> Hey, just an aside for everyone.
> I always had my DB close statement as the last line of my scripts. Then one
> day, everything stopped working properly. Why?
> Seems right -- when you're done you're done -- right? Wrong. PHP does plenty
> of "stuff" after your script is finished.
> Remember -- if you use database-base sessions, use session_write_close
> BEFORE you close your DB connection. And you probably want to use
> session_write_close before any header redirects as well to eliminate timing
> issues.
> Cliff

Thanks for pointing this out. I will add it to my scripts as I make 
frequent use of header redirects, they are just so effective.

Although I should know if I use database-based sessions, I am not sure 
as I am not sure what exactly a database-based session is. So, what is that?


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