[nycphp-talk] Removing one element from an array

David Krings ramons at
Mon Jul 9 22:22:26 EDT 2007

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> Look at array_slice

Based on the vote tally array_slice won, but I don't get this command. I 
just went for broke and tried my unset suspicion and indeed it works.
This is the scenario: I have abunch of record IDs in an array, which I 
stuffed into the $_SESSION variable. The IDs belong to pictures and I 
just deleted one picture, which means that I need to remove the 
non-existent ID from the array.

This is the code:
     // Remove current element from display array
     $display = $_SESSION['sessiondisplay'];
     // Rekey display array
     $display = array_values($display);
     // register new array with $_SESSION
     $_SESSION['sessiondisplay'] = $display;

The unset on a specific array key unsets only that value. The array key 
is gone and thus the value is no longer in the array. Rekeying using 
array_values patches the hole and gets me a consecutive, numerically 
keyed array.
I also store the current pointer in $_SESSION and as it turns out I 
don't even have to do anything with the pointer as it automatically 
points at the next array element.

Nevertheless, I am intrigued by array_slice, but I guess I postpone 
understanding that until tomorrow.

Thanks for the pointers.


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