[nycphp-talk] ADOdb status

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Jul 18 17:40:20 EDT 2007

On 7/18/07 3:36 PM, "Rob Marscher" <rmarscher at> wrote:

> On Jul 12, 2007, at 9:54 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
>>  I just stumbled across ADOdb. Is this database abstraction library still
>> active? Have things like PDO or PEAR DB made it obsolete?
> As others have stated, it's current... and it's awesome!  I'm pretty sure it's
> faster than PDO for mysql.  I recommend additionally installing the extension
> for it which replaces parts of the php code with c and provides a major speed
> up to certain methods.  Also, if you're serious about portable SQL statements,
> there's a good guide linked from the documentation that tells you which
> abstracted functions to use for certain SQL commands that differ across
> databases.
> -Rob
Thanks. I think it looks very powerful after a quick scan of the API. PEAR
DB is seeming a bit simple these days. ADOdb might be a nice alternative.

Great comments on scaling too ‹ I think everyone on the list will find your
comments very insightful.

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