[nycphp-talk] inserting data into MySQL table.

csnyder chsnyder at
Mon Jul 23 17:13:27 EDT 2007

On 7/23/07, PaulCheung <paulcheung at> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Thanks for the information, unfortunately for me there are no arrays being
> used. The names used are solely the names of each individual column/field in
> the table. I have already tried all the suggestions to no avail. That is why
> I hardcoded a version of my insert-data-into-table and once I knew it worked
> I substituted all the hardcoded fields with $_POST in place of the
> hardcoding, I then cut and pasted in each field the corresponding  hardcoded
> value and just before writing the record. I echoed the record values and all
> appears to be well. Then via the MySQL Monitor I check to see if the record
> had been written and found that nothing has happened. Please forgive me if I
> appear to be ungrateful, which is not the case I am just frustrated.
> Especially after proving that one version of my insert-data-into-table
> (hardcoded) worked and a version of my insert-data-into-table works with a 4
> column table (a different table) and will not work with a version using as
> input data the values of the hardcoded version. I knows the fault lays with
> me but I cannot see it.
> Paul

Hmm, is there any input filtering going on that is modifying the
values in $_POST, to make them different from the hardcoded version?
Is the dreaded magic_quotes_runtime enabled?

Also, you have a semicolon in your POST test code, maybe you caught
that already?

> '".$R."'; '".$S."',

Chris Snyder

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