[nycphp-talk] Rename an array key?

csnyder chsnyder at
Tue Jul 24 16:15:18 EDT 2007

On 7/24/07, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:

> I looked at that splice function a bit more and at arrays as well. I
> still don't get why the position matters. To me the key of an array is
> like the autoincrement primary key on a table. You can't just start
> messing around with it and expect everything to be fine.

Sometimes it matters because you want things to be in a particular
order. In this case, I have an array with a whole bunch of form values
for a unit test. I want to rename one of the keys, but I want the
values to be in the same order. Of course there are other ways to do
it, which is probably why no one has bothered to code

> What you could do is split the array into two numerically keyed arrays.
> Each array can then be referenced using the same key and you can then
> change the value of the desired original key in the array with the
> original keys. Once done you glue the two together by specifying the key
> for the glued array.
> That preserves keys (except for the one you changed, of course) as well
> as order and can handle duplicates if there would be any.

True, and without jumping through as many hoops as my hack involving $map.

$keys = array_keys( $set );
$values = array_values( $set );
$replace = array_search( 'bean', $keys );
if ( $replace !== FALSE ) {
  $keys[ $replace ] = 'legume';
$set = array_combine( $keys, $values );

Thanks, David.

Chris Snyder

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