[nycphp-talk] Finding instances of include file

Tom Sartain tomsartain at
Thu Jul 26 13:47:30 EDT 2007

The simple, straight-forward way would be to just do a search of all the
files that make up your site for the filename. You might hit some false
positives, but it shouldn't be anything unruly.

The alternative, coding, indirect way would be to have the include file
output something to the browser or make some sort of database entry every
time it's called and use debug_backtrace to see who is calling it. This
would then mean going through every possible page on the site and checking
to see if the special output is present.

I would go with the first idea though.

On 7/26/07, Aaron Fischer <agfische at> wrote:
> I have an include file that I do not want to use anymore.  I want to
> go through all the files on my site and find every instance of the
> code that calls that include file.
> Any suggestions on how to do that?
> Thanks,
> -Aaron
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