[nycphp-talk] Merchant Accounts, Ecommerce and Paypal

Rolan Yang rolan at
Mon Jun 4 13:58:29 EDT 2007

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyline) wrote:
> Hello All,
> ..
> When a visitor decides to purchase our software (its web based) and 
> signs up for the account
> I need to get their data into paypal. Now, once they finish the 
> transaction, I want to return them
> to my software, and if they successfully completed the paypal signup I 
> will automagically create
> their account.
> I also want to be able to query paypal every month to make sure they 
> have paid, and if not, possibly
> suspend their account.
> So my question is: Does anyone have experiance using the paypal IPN (i 
> believe that is what its called),
> or experiance with another merchant account that allows this type of 
> integreation?
> Also, could you recommened other merchant accounts and include some 
> comparision against paypal?
> Thanks!
> - Ben
Your customer can sign up for the paypal subscription just like 
purchasing any other paypal item. Your IPN script will be called by 
paypal whenever a recurring payment is made. The status of the payment 
is sent to your IPN script so you will know if it was successful or not.


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