[nycphp-talk] POSTDATA and back/resubmit revisited

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Mon Jun 11 11:37:07 EDT 2007

Recently, there was a thread on pages expires, POSTDATA and the
back/resubmit button, etc. Chris Shiflett provided a link to a page expire
article. Yet the thread seems to die without fully addressing this issue.

Secret keys effectively prevent duplicate submissions, but don¹t prevent
that geek-speak browser message. Header redirects seem to solve the
back/resubmit problem, but create duplicate processing on the server side
and generally add session overhead. For a successful form submission, the
³thanks redirect² probably need to grab data again. For a bad form
submission, the postdata probably needs to be stored in a session to be
echo¹d back.

My question is, what is the best practice or industry standard practice, if
there is one, for handling POST form submissions while addressing the
back/resubmit issue?


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