[nycphp-talk] All In the Game of PHP

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Jun 14 01:26:34 EDT 2007

Caution: I am not a good coder. That said....

Peter Sawczynec |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>The number one muck up I have observed in coding, is programmers
>creating functions or tools that leave off the final "else" clause at
>end of a conditional logic tree.
The first thing I define when I create a control flow structure is the 
default condition. Set it up with the test and empty brackets, set the 
default action, and then go back to fill it in.

>Every function you write, every tool you develop has to be prepared to
>accept and deal with wrong information or input out of your expected
A strict default action can go a long way towards letting you code what you need now to make progress, while leaving the rest for later. I see too many coders take all day to try and accommodate everything when all we needed was A and B (for now). 

Code the default case. Protect against anything that is not what is expected for A and B, then code A and B and move on. 

Sure it will fail for tons of situations, but it will never let you down for A or B (and that is what I asked for ;-)


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