[nycphp-talk] problem SOLVED: session variables disappear after redirection

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Thu Jun 14 22:16:47 EDT 2007

At 09:56 PM 6/14/2007, you wrote:
header( "Location:$joinFlag&PHPSESSID={$_SESSION['id']}" 

>This should suffice
>header( "Location: 
>$joinFlag&".SID );

I knew that, but I wanted to be able to see it myself. SID is empty 
if cookies are working, so the header doesn't really need it for 
those people; and SID is set when cookies are disabled, so the header 
will have it for them.  But I felt a little more comfortable actually 
seeing it, especially during testing. I could also have used 
session_id() but you had gotten me started down the SID trail, so I 
stayed there ;-).

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