[nycphp-talk] Fix for IE Security Alert " You are about to be redirected to a connection that is not secure"

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Sat Jun 16 08:24:01 EDT 2007

On 6/16/07 12:00 AM, "Allen Shaw" <ashaw at> wrote:

> Cliff Hirsch wrote:
>> When redirecting from a secure login page to a non-secure page after logging
>> in, Internet Explore pops up the following security alert:
>> ³You are about to be redirected to a connection that is not secure"
>> Doe anyone know how to prevent this?
> Hi Cliff,
> I'm pretty sure this is a client/user preference issue.  You can turn it
> off in IE as a user, but from the server side, I think you're just stuck
> with it.  Best you can do is explain it to your users.
> - Allen

But I just tried logging into Hotmail using IE and SSL. After login, it
redirects to a non-secure page without the warning. So they figured out how
to get around the bug,

Could they be doing a double redirect? First redirect to a secure page,
which does an immediate client-side redirect to a non-secure page? Poking
around I've seen some proposed solutions the use the http header 400
response code and also a meta refresh tag.

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