[nycphp-talk] Web contact form -- email or database?

Rolan Yang rolanyang at
Wed Jun 27 17:35:22 EDT 2007

I usually email. AND append the data to a local ascii file.

On 6/27/07, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
> Appreciate thoughts on contact/help forms on a web site:
> Options:
> 1. Directly send email to admins
> 2. Store form in database for online viewing by admins
> Thoughts? Email is simplest ‹ the infrastructure is in place. But storing
> the form in a database is more powerful. Allows analysis, history, logging,
> response time measurements, multiple personnel to view the form, etc. Hummm,
> think I just convinced myself DB is way to go.
> Cliff

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