[nycphp-talk] Questions to ask at a job interview?

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyline) ben at
Thu Jun 28 08:27:24 EDT 2007

Good Morning, 

In a few days, I will be sitting down with a perspective employee, 
and I'd like to get some feedback on good programming questions
or excercises I can have them work on.

At my last job, prior to becomming a fulltime consultant, I was asked
to create a login function, that checked the username and password
against a file.

I did well, and felt that was a decent test. It had IO, security, string
comparisions, fetching values from $_POST/$_GET ...
This test was in addition to source code I provided for libraries I had
written, and of course my resume.

Now, the position being filled is that of an entry level programmer.
I do not expect this person to be well trained in PHP/MySQL, 
but they must have a pretty strong understanding of programming
methodologies in general (they are a college grad - CIS).

So, again, what are some good metrics I can use to test these perspective employees?

Thank you!

- Ben

Ben Sgro, Chief Engineer
ProjectSkyLine - Defining New Horizons
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