[nycphp-talk] [OT] Yet another CSS Question

Brian Dailey support at
Fri Mar 2 16:00:20 EST 2007

You have the option of floating them both. Add float: left; to the style 
or the CSS specs. Either that or you could float: left; one and float: 
right; the other.

Kenneth Downs wrote:
> OK, so let's say I'm trying to make an honest go of it and resist the 
> urge to use TABLEs for non-tabular data.
> So how do I handle this one?
> I'd like to have two links on a page.   They should be on the same line 
> together, one flush left, the other flush right.  The TABLE method is 
> just to have two cells, but of course we don't want to do that.
> What I tried was putting two divs, one after the other.  The 2nd one was 
> relative positioned with its height at -1em.  This did not work on IE 6, 
> and as I am using a downloaded template, as I twiddled I quickly 
> realized I was going to make it a lot worse before it ever got better.
> So right now I am using a TABLE  and wondering if anybody can teach a 
> database guy yet another CSS trick.
> P.S., you know I wonder if there is something about programmers, 
> especially db guys, preferring that TABLE element, some kind of 
> subconscious thing...

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