[nycphp-talk] [OT] Yet another CSS Question

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Mar 2 20:15:49 EST 2007

Rolan Yang |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> For the past 3 days, I have treaded through css hell converting a site 
> from nested tables to non-table css. There were issues with background 
> colors not showing through, columns not lining up, padding and margins 
> on boxes are handled differently between IE and Firefox and various 
> DTD types, quirks mode vs nonquirks??, phantom rows appearing from 
> nested div's with multiple floats in IE, and a myriad number of other 
> browser incompatibilities/bugs.
> All this was a result of some twisted desire to make table rows 
> drag+drop resortable with dom/javascript magic.
> After all the CSS quirks were addressed, I discovered that the 
> scriptaculous drag+drop functions would slow down or  lock up the 
> browser when there were too many elements to sortable. Ugh. Now, I'm 
> working on writing my own leaner drag and drop script which will 
> hopefully run more quickly. They say what doesn't kill you makes you 
> stronger. I'm not sure if I am any stronger, but I did lose a few 
> handfuls of hair in the process.
> ~Rolan

That sounds a lot like what I call a "development project"

-=john andrews

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